Friday, January 1, 2010

The Triangle Shirtwaist Strike

Well, I think that today was not a good day at all. I realized that the factory that was right next to us is the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory, and I know what will happen to the wonen inside the building. I cannot stop it, though. No one can change history. But today, the women went on strike and the superintendents were in an uproar about the women demanding stuff, but they would not tell us specifically what. The superintendents also said that if anyone wanted to use the bathroom or have a drink, that they would be fired. Lucy and I looked at each other and we just rolled our eyes because they said this everyday and we had "trained" ourselves to use the bathroom when work was over. When work was over, Lucy and I wanted to see if the women who were on strike were still outside. A few of the women were, but not very many. Only five or six at the most. Lucy and I went up to one of the women and asked her why they went on strike. She told us that the factory owners were not giving them breaks, giving low pay, they locked the doors when work started, and there was no proper fire escape. She told us that the owners said that if they did not get inside the building in five minutes, they all would be fired. She did not want to work in the filthy place again, so she quit and she is going to look for another job that has safer precautions.

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