Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire

At work today, the superintendents were yelling at us like usual, and then we heard a fire engine coming down the street. Of coure, us being girls, we just had to see what was going on. The engine got closer and closer until it stopped in front of the building right next to ours. We all peered out the windows, and just at we saw the flames, the superintendents started rushing us out of the building and away from the fire that was ensuing. As soon as Lucy and I got to the sidewalk, we could not believe our eyes. The Triangle factory was ablaze with huge flames. licking the building and the fces of the women in the windows. Their faces were formed in grotesque expressions and we could hear their cries for help. Then one of them clibed on the windowsil and jumped. A sickening thud followed her dead body. Then another girl jumped. Thud. She was dead too. The women who gathered around the building with their husbands shrieked with horror, and some started to faint. Lucy vomited on the pavement and I helped her sit down on the opposite sidewalk. She looked at me and said "Now I know why our superintendents helped us out of the building; that could have been us". We stared in horror as the girls fell to their deaths. We realized that the firemen were there, but they seemed to be doing nothing, until we saw their ladder being raised and holding a safety net. I thought that this terrible event would be over, but the girls just kept falling. They broke the safety net. I could not watch these girls falling like birds with broken wings, so I helped Lucy home. When we got home, Lucy's mother asked us why we were home so early, and I told her what I saw. She wanted to go and see for herself, but I told her that that place was not to be seen in its present state. I could not sleep that night. The sound of bodies hitting the pavement was ringing through my ears and every time I closed my eyes I saw those girls' faces that would never be seen alive again.

1 comment:

  1. Very well written and personal. Nice work!

    Can you add some comparison to what working conditions are like today?
