Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Great Depression Essay

I never thought that I would be out of a job and selling apples on the street in New York City. I mean, of course other people were in the same problem that I was in, but I never imagined that I would be the only provider for my parents and my two brothers and sisters. How did I get this way, you ask me. Well, it all started on the Tuesday of October 29, 1929, or known as Black Tuesday. I was at home, making breakfast for my mother, who was recovering from a very mild, but nasty cold. The sounds of the radio, the bacon sizzling in he frying pan, my brother and sister fighting in the other room. I look out the window and see a cloudy day and see many men running down the street... Wait, what? then I realize that these men have faces of panic across their faces. Then I see my father. I see him dissappear underneath the window of our building. See, my fatheris a stock broker. Well, he was before the Crash. Then I hear him running up the stairs and the door to the apartment flies open. "The Market is down." "Get your mother" "Where is your brother and sister?" He is shouting at me all these commands and I cannot move. I just stand there. Then he stops shouting and hugs me really tight. Is he crying? My dad does not cry. Well, at least I have never seen him cry...but I know that something is truly wrong. I calmly ask him what happened at work. He tells me that the Market has crashed because of overspeculation and basically all of his clients have lost their money that they had put in the stock. Then he tells me that we have to take any money that we have, even in the bank, to keep it at home. Then he tells me that when he is looking for a job, my mother and I would have to work too. I ask him what will happen to my brother and sister. He tells me that if need be, we would have to send them to live with Grandma and Grandpa until things get better. I am scared, but I am brave. A day after the Crash, my brother and sister were sent to my Grandparents, and I went looking for a job. Dad has been going to employment agencies and looking for daily jobs. Some days he comes home with money, and some days he comes home with none. I found a job selling apples, and to make a long story short, my father hurt his leg and cannot work, my mother lost her job, and I am now supporting my family on my shoulders. I just hope that things get better soon.